ATRIUM access control definitions

Key term definitions in ATRIUM


Users are the individuals who use the access control system to gain entry into and throughout the building. Each user can have a number of credentials assigned to them. For example, one user might have a tag/card to gain access within the building and a radio fob to access the car park gates.


Cards is the term used in ATRIUM to refer to credentials. Cards are devices issued for the users to gain access. They can take the form of tags (fobs), cards, radio transmitters, mobile credentials, etc. 

Access Levels

Access levels are issued to each user. Any cards issued to the user will also operate under the rules set for the access level. A user can have multiple access levels assigned to them.

Find out more about access levels

Access Level Groups

Access level groups are used when an Operator is assigned a login, for example a receptionist. The groups are assigned to this operator, which will allow the operator to add users and cards from this group only i.e. visitors, contractors. They would not be allowed to add users/cards to anyone outside of the group assigned (such as staff).

Find out more about access level groups

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