How do I install/update the ATRIUM software?
To install the ATRIUM software on Windows, you must be logged on with an administrator account.
- Start the ATRIUM setup either from the supplied USB key or from the hard drive when downloaded from the web.
- To install from the USB, insert the ATRIUM software USB key into the computer’s USB port. If the auto run feature is enabled, go to step 2. Otherwise, use Windows Explorer to locate and start ATRIUM-Setup.exe.
- To install from the hard drive, first download the application from (or contact CDVI Technical Support). Then use Windows Explorer to locate and start ATRIUM-Setup.exe.
- Select the installation language from the list then click on OK.
- Click Next.
- The License Agreement window will appear. To install the ATRIUM software, select the “I agree to these terms and conditions” check box and click Next.
- If you wish to select a different folder destination for the ATRIUM software, click the Browse button, choose the folder destination and click Install. The ATRIUM software is installed by default to C:\Program Files\CDVI Group\ATRIUM.
- Click Finish to complete the installation. You may need to restart your computer to complete the installation.
An ATRIUM icon will be automatically added to your desktop.
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