Mobile-PASS: How to adjust the Bluetooth range on the ATRIUM BT app

Mobile-PASS: How to adjust the Bluetooth range on the ATRIUM BT app



ATRIUM BT is an innovative smartphone app for iPhone and Android that allows individuals to use their smartphone as an access control credential, instead of a traditional card, tag, or fob. 

To find out more about the ATRIUM Mobile-PASS smartphone credentials, visit the CDVI website. 

This article explains how to adjust the Bluetooth range at which your device will be detected by the Bluetooth readers in your building. 


The ATRIUM BT app is available to download for free on the App Store and the Google Play Store. 

The Bluetooth detection range can either be adjusted for each door individually, or applied to all doors at once. 

You will find that the default detection settings should accommodate most users of the system to unlock their doors. 

Open the ATRIUM BT app and ensure you are within the current detection range of one of the Bluetooth readers in the system. 

On the homepage of the app, you should see a list of all the doors available in your system. Each door has a name and shows the current signal strength (out of 5 bars) as well as the current access validation method. 

To adjust the Bluetooth detection range, tap the card icon in the top right of the screen. 

If your phone is set up with facial recognition or fingerprint recognition, you will need to validate with that method before you can access this menu. If you don't have biometrics set up on your phone, the first time you access this menu you will be prompted to create a password. Then, each time you access the menu, you will have to enter that password. 

To edit the parameters for a site, click on the cog icon next to the selected site. 

You will then see a list of all the doors set up within that site. To edit the settings for a door, click the three bars icon.

This opens the parameters for that door, where you can choose the unlock mode and set the unlock distance. In the Unlock Distance Setting section, you will see a Live Bluetooth Signal strength indicator, which will change as you get closer to or further from the reader. 

You can set the minimum required signal strength to allow a user to unlock the door with their Mobile-PASS credential. Using the red slider bar underneath the Live Bluetooth Signal, you can set the door to require higher or lower signal strength. If you require higher signal strength, users will need to be closer to the reader in order to trigger the unlock. 

The setting is automatically updated. 

You can either set the required signal strength for each door individually, or click the APPLY TO ALL DOORS button to replicate the settings for all the doors associated with that site. 

Like any wave signal, Bluetooth signals fluctuate, and are affected by environmental interference from other devices and building structures, so take care when adjusting the required signal strength.